Lecture XXI (Nr. 0266)
[262] but in any case medical men from both the psychological and the bodily side realized that this division makes the description of any sickness impossible. This is the discovery, a rediscovery, of the 20th century. And this rediscovery is a return of man to himself. Here something very interesting (which will astonish you) comes to my mind, namely the fact that Christianity was, especially in its Platonic-Augustinian line of thought, partly responsible for the Cartesian division. a belongs to the Augustinian tradition. What does this mean? It means that they followed the bdivision of the world of essences and the world of mathematical bodies and their movements. Platonism is the foundation of modern mathematical science, while c is a reaction against it, and d is the father of the e thinking, the thinking in terms of gestalt---because Aristotle comes from biology; fcomes from g physics and mathematics. And since Christianity had in itself this dualistic tendency of separating body and soul (as it usually was called), it was very much in favor for what I call man losing himself. Here Christianity and mathematical science went together, both coming from hand the i Now this is the view which sometimes should be realized, if you want to understand the history of physics and the history of such a thing asjpsychology in relation to the fundamental forms of thinking as they were developed in Greek thought. But this was a footnote to the history of philosophy which I gave because I hope it ASTONISHED you---usually "Christianity and k: that belongs together, both are idealist, and nonsense of course"---and so on.