
Tillich Lectures


[263] Now this is historically absolutely not true. It is not true that they belong simply together---ONE LINE of them belongs together. And both a and this line---which I called the bline in the Middle Ages and the modern times---is the line of mathematical science. Now the psychosomatic description of man comes near again to c, to his understanding of the human body as the matter to the form which is the human soul, and the human soul as the matter to the form which is the human mind. In this way a new unity has been reestablished by the very fact of the d thinking in terms of potentiality and actuality, of matter and form, of entelechaia---the soul is the entelechaia, the inner form, of the body. The rediscovery of this was made in the 20th century, mostly through medical insights into the dependence of the body on the movements of the soul, healthy or sick, and vice versa. Now I wouldn't say, again, that e has reached his home. We don't know yet really what that is, "psychosomatic medicine." We use that word often very glibly and without real understanding of what is involved. We use the category of causality---the body influences the mind and the mind influences the body---but probably this category is entirely inadequate. Perhaps we should say: there is one reality, which the Greeks called psyché--- when we translate it by "soul," we immediately are in a wrong connotation. Perhaps we had better translate it by "life process"---that is what psyché in Greek means---the one life process which expresses itself at the same time bodily, in terms of time and space and individual substance---


eOdysseus, ???



