Lecture XXI (Nr. 0265)
[261] action and dissolve it into particles. From this followed another step, a very important step where medicine, both bodily and psychological medicine, helped a to return to himself, namely the discovery (or rediscovery, of course) of the psychosomatic unity of man in all medical treatment, be it psychological or biological. Today the words "psychosomatic medicine" have been a kind of slogan, and if truth becomes a slogan, probably it is not truth any longer. So I am a little skeptical about its use. Nevertheless it is a step in finding back to man himself. Here I refer to the b in which the division of man into parts was most definitvely [sic.] expressed. Those of you who know the Cartesian philosophy know that he distinguished the thinking substance and the extended substance. The thinking substance is man's consciousness which he called "soul"---we would call it "mind," perhaps---and the extended substance is the body. In good c fashion, he identified all biological bodies with mechanisms, in analogy to the machine---mechanisms the spontaneity of which is only SEEMING, but not real. In this way, man was a composite of a body which moves according to the laws of the machine, put into it by its creator, and he is in the same situation with all other living bodies; and on the other hand, there is the mere consciousness which can be described in terms of a psychology of association or connotation. Now against this the romantic reactions were very strong and had a lasting effect on some schools of thought in the 20th century. But perhaps most important was the insight that this division of body and soul---I come back to it when I speak about the healing problem---