
Tillich Lectures


[478] The risk in me or a? QN: You. PT: In me. Now I said: I would resist–asb did–the Bull of the Pope condemning me. Now that is the risk. Perhaps I was in error, perhaps I was not. That is my risk, while for c the risk is all reduced to the one risk, namely to remain an adherent, or to become, in his case, and to remain, an adherent of the Roman

Church. Does that answer your question? QN: Yes. PT: Good === We have a very important subject today, but I am very grateful for these questions. You see they always clear something up a little bit, so don't hesitate to ask them, orally or written. The final discussion about the relation between the educational realm and religion is the discussion of religion and the d. And since this is a problem which has a rather existential meaning for Harvard today, and therefore implicitly for ALL of you, I want to use this hour to discuss it with you from

differents [sic.] points of view. First a short historical reminder. The term universitas, e, had, very early, two meanings. The earliest was the universitas magistrarum et scholarum [?sp], which means the collective of teachers and students. So the first meaning of the term


aJacques Maritain
bLuther, Martin
cJacques Maritain



