
Tillich Lectures


[477] to take into its universal principle, expressed in the classical idea that Jesus the Christ is the Logos, the UNIVERSAL principle of divine Self-manifestation, that other symbols can be taken in. For instance the truth of a symbol like evolution–which was one of the most important ones–will and can be taken in; or some symbols connected with the psychological development–depth psychology, and other things like that. But one thing must be said: the aCOME; you cannot say "I need new symbols, so let's sit down, I have a very comfortable chair, and let's have a drink to it and then let's invent a symbol!" [some laughter] Now that's just what I think should be denied. QN: Where is the risk in the autonomous existental experience which you set up last

time in regards to b? PT: Now I hope you all remember that discussion I reported here, where I asked, What would you do if the prophetic Spirit grasps you, you say something, of which later on the Church authority says that it was wrong? And he anwered [sic.], "Then I was wrong." – Now what is the point of your question really? It is a little bit hard. QN: You spoke of the risk in religion, the involvement of the duality of Yes and No at the same time. Where is the risk when one allows the existential experience,

in essence, to become all-dominant? PT: I don't know. Can somebody interpret that? I sirply [sic.] don't know what you mean.


bJacques Maritain



