
Tillich Lectures


[346] 2) a: COMPOSITION--I can tell you of myself that long ago, in Western Germany where Kandinsky often was, I was sitting in a house which has an original by Kandinsky, and first I had a feeling, "Now what can I do with this?"(--this should be in colors, by the way--) but slowly something happened to me when I was sitting there, again and again, and looking at it, the same which I said before, namely that out of the possibilities of nature, human mind discovers elements which as such do not appear, but which give you a new feeling for cosmic reality, for the reality of the universe in terms of lines and colors.

3) BREAKFAST--b--Leger has a very interesting character and has become more and more known and important in c. What he actually has done is that he takes the cubes and other instruments of modern industrial machine production and uses them as the fundamental elements in order to indicate not only inorganic nature but also human beings and other organic nature. In this way a kind of uncanny feeling of man constructed out of elements of the machine comes into the picture, and I will come back to this when, from Thursday on, I will use this modern

art to introduce you to my analysis of our genuine situation with respect to religion and culture, without dealing then with a very special subject, just because d, on the basis of its expressive power, can show us more, perhaps, than external, sociological or historical description are able to do. 4) e, GUERNICA--Here we come to a picture which from the beginning was extremely controversial and which has now become almost a classic. It is Picasso's Guernica, this little village in northern Spain which was bombed by the Fascist countries before the beginning of the


aKandinsky, Wassily
bLéger, Fernand
ePicasso, Pablo



