
Tillich Lectures


[255] I will now speak about some of these attempts of man to find himself again as the ground of the world which he has created in terms of abstractions, and into which he has lost himself. What l first want to mention (and to a certain extent go into) is the inner-philosophical struggle of the a against their own reductionist forms. b means that every reality is reduced to one level of reality, namely to that level of reality in which the subject-object structure is most predominant and most successful: the reality of mathematical physics. The reduction of reality, in ALL its forms, to the movement of atoms, or to the fields of power, is something which is now looked at by the c themselves as a questionable thing. And the attempt to interpret the human BIOLOGICAL structure and man's PSYCHOLOGICAL structure and man's CREATIVE possibilities---which I would call his spiritual character (with a small "s")--- all these to reduce to the most simple form of mathematical physics---is not attempted any more by the naturalistic philosophers. They have learned that this dogma is untenable---for a very simple reason, which was overlooked only in the first enthusiasm for the reduction of everything to a calculable movement of atoms---namely for the reason that in order to explain anything of the OTHER levels of reality out of this basic level, as it was called, you must presuppose the potentiality of these higher levels already in the lower level, i.e. with a magic stroke you put into the atomd's Faust and es plays. Now if you do THIS, then of course you can get it out again, [just] as magicians of today put into their hat everything they get out


dGoethe, Johann Wolfgang von
eShakespeare, William



