Nauen , den 24.04.1912

Dear friend,

Having intendet to write to you last evening, i will do that just now. I have a lovely view into the garden, which looks now very pretty. But the violets are all dead now… First of all many thanks for your letter, I was so glad to get it, and to hear that you like staying in Berlin so much. | There are many people and things, that miss you very much here in Nauen. At first „Foeke“ and „Roland“. Having the absence of Superintendents. Roland was lying all day long in the sun in the yard. I am quite sure he felt very lonely. – Then Fräulein ¿¿¿ and I. The other day we had a nice drive in the carriage via Forsthaus – Bredow –, and we | were talking of you. Fräulein ¿¿¿ too is now very unhappy, she told me that there were many questions she would like to ask you. She intended to come to me and to write, but I know that she does not dare. Is she not a little silly? Perhaps she could meet you once in Berlin? I wish to have the two sermons; you would give | them to her, would´nt you? It is a pity to say, but I can´t come in some time! My aunt feels much better now, to-day she will go for the first time into the garden, but you see, to-morrow is the birthda yof Onkel Troll and we shall go to dinner there at 3 o´clock. On Friday I shall probably go to Havelberg, it is the birth-day of my sister. Now Tante Berta thinks it is | too much pleasure forme! – Last Sunday I had the first „Children´s Service“. I have 9 girls to teach, and I think it is very nice. The other day I called at Schwester Meta and asked her to come to my aunt in order to get me for the „Old-women – meeting“. She promised to do so, and probably she is coming this afternoon. I am a | little anxious about it. Besides she gave me 3 adresses of old people to go to read something to them. I shall go next week to them. But when my aunt does not like me to go? Am I not very weak? Anyhow I shall do so what you have told me, and I hope to feel a little more satisfied. – Is that not a very long | letter? I must finish now. Let me soon have some few lines again!


6 o´clock. It is all settled, I shall goand play at the old-women – meeting.

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