Lecture XLII (Nr. 0563)
[558] and who KNOW that they are also always in the situation of every moment, perhaps, being cut off. Now this situation makes them in some way heroic---and I must say that I admire them FAR BEYOND most Protestants, including myself, because they have not the principle of freeodm [sic.], which we have, but they are servants of truth, and on the other hand they BELONG, by destiny and confiction,
to the Roman Church and want to find a way in this situation to combine their membership, their LIVING membership, to the Church, and their honesty towards truth. This is the second and greatest possibility. 3) Then there is a third, namely the consciously orthodox mind which, in terms of rational subjection, accepts and justifies. There is very often, in these people, an element of repression which, as you know from my psychological analysis of repression, always produces a kind of aggressiveness, of fanaticism, a hostility against all critics, because there is a weak point in oneself which has to be protected. Then of course, if these three ways do not work, then a complete breaking away is the
ultimate and often very desperate way out of this situation. Now this means we have here the greatest example of a, or of whatb calls irrational authority. Perhaps we should, besides this, go to the cand the d, because this is something even more actual for most of you than the other two forms. Now the family authority is normally an authority partly in terms of expert---in this case called maturity--- partly in terms of trust. But it goes often beyond this: there is sometimes a religious sanctification