Lecture XXXV (Nr. 0452)
[447] I use here the term "the ideal of a." I don't mean it in the sense of personality structure, and I DON'T mean it in the sense of person, as someone who is legally protected, or who potentially has the possibility to BECOME a personality, but I mean it in the sense of a developed character on the basis of an individual being. This ideal of personality has developed under the impact both of the b and of the c. It has shown some characteristics of
which we must say that it is one of the greatest and perhaps most catastrophic developments in our modern period. To understand that, we must distinguish the idea of d and the ideal of personality. The idea of personality simply means that man is created to be a person, on the basis of a completed individualized self, and to develop, on this basis, those characteristics which we attribute to a personality--a character, a special direction of life, special insights, special experiences, which make him a being who represents actually a human possibility whereby, on an e basis, universal meanings are embodied, incarnated, impregnated and actualized. The phrase would be "He is a personality." But of another man we would say "He is no personality." Certainly he is a person-- I cannot kill him as I can an animal. But he is not a personality. On the basis of his personal potentialities, he has nothing developed which makes him a real personality, a concentrated will, an educational form, a f in universals, in thought and action. That’s what I would call a
personality.--This is the IDEA of personality. Out of this the IDEAL of personality has developed, in consequence of g and of h, and ESPECIALLY in consequence of Calvinist Reformation, much more than the