
Tillich Lectures


[446] LECTURE XXXV, March 12, 1956 I have received a very nice but unfortunately unfeasible request, namely to add a few hours to the ordinary hours, of which we have only five--today and the next two weeks, two hours each. And there are some mathematical calculations that these hours do not completely agree with the

program I gave you in the beginning. Now it is not as bad as it seems to be because some of these points can be discussed together in one more embracing discussion. On the other hand, I talked it over with Mr. Leibrecht and we agreed that it will be absolutely impossible--not only relatively, but absolutely [laughter]--to find an hour in which the whole class will be able to come, outside the ordinary hours which are reserved for it. So I am sorry I cannot accept this suggestion, but I feel very much moved by it to intensify the presentation and to concentrate a little bit more than I did perhaps in the last hours. The problem we have discussed was a. I gave you a discussion of the

different types of b, and then we came to the c of person, personality, and the different meanings of the second word in different languages. In the meantime, I have learned that there is another use of the word d, introduced by the psychology of personality, the idea of personality structure. Since this structure already has its roots in the baby period of human beings, one could speak of the "personality" of a baby. Now this means the word personality has become useless, and if we want to use it we must always say which of these different meanings we will use.




