Lecture XXXIII (Nr. 0423)
[418] LECTURE XXXIII, March 8, 1956 The last statement about the problem of religion and education referred to a phenomenon which one could also observe especially in the twenties of this century, the phenomenon that the younger generation didn't want only technical education, as it was given in the public schools, and not only a education, as it was given in the higher schools, but that they wanted something which made it possible for them to commit themselves unconditionally to a cause. Since the power of the b--for instance in c--was very limited at that time and was not a matter of
ultimate concern or commitment, they accepted the different TOTALITARIAN claims to unconditional validity and therefore unconditional subjection. This is very important for the understanding of that element in education which I called "Whereto? Whither? Where do we go to?" You know the word "d" is derived from e-ducere, "leading out," namely leading-out of the state of roughness, lack of shape, of formlessness, of chaos. And this, all education tries to do, and about that they know. But if you lead something OUT of something, the question arises, "Into WHAT do you lead him?" And here the situation of the twenties in Europe, in all countries (but I observed it best in Germany, of course),
the situation was that the two methods of education--the method of mediating technical skills and the method of developing all human potentialities in terms of a humanistic education-- didn't fulfill the hidden and more and more open desire of the younger generation. And so they were looking for something which was for them--or could become, as they believed, for them--