Lecture XXXII (Nr. 0422)
[417] This is not even true of their own schools, where they are first of all administrators and then SOMEtimes one of them has also some educational ideas. [some laughter] But it is certainly NOT true, in no way true, of the general situation of a in this country. There are other powers much more important, [just] as in Europe before the totalitarian movements came. And the first is the [home] : the [home] was able to give hidden resistance--hidden; open was impossible--to its own system, even in totalitarian systems. Not open--because the children would
go to the next Gauleiter and would accuse their parents, under Nazism; but hidden, by the very existence of the [home], by the reality, which is always reality of introduction, and the introduction into the [home] starts with birth and is therefore the most important one. Then there are also in this country other powers--of course the b--and the representatives of the political ideas about which fight is going on. And then very important--and that, all teachers should know--the gang, in the largest sense of the word. I have been educated in VERY important respects by a Christian fraternity to which I belonged in c--for a
lifetime, that is, of course, but decisively for four or five years. And there, those students who were a little bit older, one or two years older, were the REAL authorities--we didn't care very much about the professors in comparison with the older students--and I think you do the same! Now here you have a very large d of education, and the TITLE ("educators") should be applied to all of them. Now a little more about this Thursday.