a consists in true bconcerning the manifestation of the ultimate
in the universe. The truth of faithd consists in true symbolsfeconcerning our existential RELATION
to the ultimate.
Now here we are in the center of the problem. The relation between these two is the
problem with which we have to deal; the relation between these two is the problem
which has
ALWAYS been discussed. The first question you will probably raise is, "Why does philosophyg
use conceptsh, and why does faithi use symbols,j if both try to express the same ultimatek?" The
answer is, "The DIFFERENCE of the RELATION to the ultimate." In the case of philosophy,
the relation is detached description lof the basic structure in which the ultimate manifests itself in
the universe; in the case of faith, it is the INVOLVED expressionm of our CONCERN of the
meaning of ultimate reality FOR US.
Some of you have read or know Luthern's catechisms. In Luther's catechisms, there is
always the phrase "for you," and he says the "for you" demands faithful hearts. Now
can lead us to the difference. In the moment in which the relationship has a "FOR
YOU" character,
it becomes existential. And then we are in the realm of faith,o and it is a matter of decision, of daring,
of risk, of doubt, but not of detached description.p The philosopher, as a philosopher, gives a detached
description. He speaks of essential and existential being, he speaks of being and
becoming, dynamics
and form, world and self. He speaks, with Aristotle,q of matter and form, of entelechaia, etc.;