Lecture X (Nr. 0096)
[93] tools serve needs and produce economic values--food, clothing, shelter, and other things connected with it--warmth, etc. Now a very interesting dialectical situation arises, namely the situation that these tools which are means for the ends of a, get a kind of independent existence. And the more they are developed, the more they give MORE possibilities. And if they are FULLY developed, as they are in the Machine Age, they give practically endless possibilities for human production. Now then, two things happen. The one is that the technical production-- production of tools and production of values WITH these tools--has another element of what I called last time the principle of rationality, with respect to all technical tools-- namely, b. This has to be added to the other elements of rationality which make it possible that in the technical realm infinite progress is given. But even if the progress is infinite in itself, it is still limited by economic rationality. You cannot build every building which is desirable, at Harvard campus. There are economic limits to this, out of the whole economic situation, even of the richest country in the world, and there are limits of this kind everywhere which make the application of the technical tools depend on another element of rationality which is not an immediate element of rationality in the technical process itself, but on which the technical process is always dependent. But now it happens that the presence of tools, of means of production produced by tools, and especially tools in the larger sense of the word--machines--, have possibilities which go far beyond the immediate needs satisfied by economy. And then a very important process begins, namely the POSSIBILITY of man to PRODUCE, --"produce" not only means to SATISEY needs, but also produces NEEDS. And this production of needs out of the infinite possibilities of the technical realm is one of the main factors in the present-day economy. The main tool in it is what we call "c," which produces these needs and which is, therefore, in the WHOLE relationship of technical possibility and economic production, one of the most conspicuous factors. You will find, in many analysis of our present world situation, especially sharp attacks on the function of advertisement; and if, as I was told, almost ten millions of income go into advertisement, then one may feel that something is wrong in this situation