Lecture X (Nr. 0095)
[92] But what I AM fighting against--and now, after many years, in agreement with most all important architects--is to take a trimming of the past which once HAD a meaning (for instance, little Gothic towers, or very expensive Gothic windows in a school of today)--all these kinds of things are dishonest. And here I would be strict, and if you call it "a," I would, for this exceptional case, accept this criticism of being a puritan! [smiling]. I would give you an example: Rockefeller Center, in New York, which I hope you all know. For me, this belongs to what the ancient people called the Seven Miracles [i.e. Wonders--ed.] of the world. I know many Europeans who came here and said to see this alone is worth the whole trip, from Europe to New York. And I agree with them. It is an expression of almost completely honest character, and only an exaggerated criticism points to the few trimmings, which couldn't be avoided by the unhappy architect because he had to do what he was told to do. But beside that, it's something which is indeed a whole city in itself, and a city which reminds me of some of the best of the old city of Tuscania [i.e., Tuscany--ed.], San Giuliano [?sp], and other places, where you have a similar architecture on the basis of the necessity and honesty of THAT time. Now I come to another overlapping reality which must be distinguished, but cannot be separated, from the technical realm, namely the economic realm. We shall have, ANYHOW, a discussion about religion and economics, probably not before next semester, but what I have to do here is simply to relate these two realities to each other from the point of view of the technical side. All technical action serves that production of man by which he satisfied his needs. This production is called "b"--interesting, that the word itself is derived from oikos, which means "house" in Greek: building the house in which man can live. But this house which "economy" builds has not only the function to give shelter, it also gives food and clothing and all the other needs which must be satisfied. Man is that being which is ESSENTIALLY DISSATISFIED, and every economic act has the intention of giving satisfaction beyond what is immediately at hand. And this is, as we know, very, very little in comparison to the infinite possibilities which are given to man in nature. Now these infinite possibilities are produced and taken out of the state of mere potentiality into that of actuality, by technical activities. The most primitive