
Tillich Lectures


[567] good works. Now this is not European at all! [little laughter] In Europe, the state has to do this. Now on this basis I tried to find out---and I think I found it out just when I discovered the nature of British conformity---what is going on in this country sociologically, and I had to invent a new word (perhaps it already existed, perhaps not): a, derived from "pattern," bringing every individual into a pattern. This is not the same as collectivism or conformism, or even conformity, but it is not individualism either. It is a quite different sociological form for which we need another word. And if this word is too bad English, perhaps you will give me another or One could also say modelization, but I don't know whether that is much better English---in any case: making, forming, or shaping human beings according to a model or a pattern. Now this is developing in very radical ways in unity with the urbanization of this country. The so-called "grass roots," as they are mainly to be found in the middle West, still have something of genuine conformity; they do not have individualism in the European sense, but

they have some elements of conformity in the British sense. But in the big cities, the mechanization of life is one of the factors for the subjecting of every individual to a special pattern of life and thought---but not on the basis of a living tradition, as in England, where the cathedrals of the 15th century are as real as the latest, very poor amendments in plumbing. The reality of the tradition distinguishes conformity from pattern. We are now in this situation here, namely the problem of the pattern. This problem has been sharpened every day, almost, with the new inventions in the realm of public communications,




