
Tillich Lectures


[516] of the myth, without asking questions, and the loss of this by the critical question, and then the possibility of regaining it on another level in maturity. Now the question was: where does the OUGHT come, the a come? It comes in the moment in which actualization appears as a possibility. I could show this in the profundities of the b of the cof Adam, in Genesis 3, where all the deepest psychological insights about the transition from dreaming innocence to actualization are given. There is the double desire to actualize oneself: vitally---the fruit which is beautiful to look at; and spiritually (with a small "s")--- the possibilities of knowledge and power over nature are symbolized in the Tree. At the same

time, man receives the command NOT to actualize himself! He stands between the two anxieties, as I called it: the one which tells him not to actualize himself, and in the old myth which precedes perhaps the Genesis myth, it is the real fear of the gods, that man actualizes and becomes God Himself, and this sounds through the story itself, when the gods who at that point are almost described as having a council, a deliberation, where they decide finally that if man is NOT only knowing and HAVING POWER, but is also immortal, i.e. continues eating from the fruit which gives immortality, then he really is God, and therefore they drive him out and let him to be what he naturally is: finite--- and that means, returning to the soil. It is not that death is the PUNISHMENT, but it is the natural consequence, in this old, old story of man's finitude. The punishment is only that he is separated from the infinite, symbolized in the fruit of eternity: the Tree of Life. Now all this has very profound elements of description of our present state, and so we must use it---




