
Tillich Lectures


[496] which would also have OPPOSITE consequences, namely that science has to resist such interferences and that therefore we are in the sphere of conflicts between existential truth and empirical truth. And that is just what I want to avoid IN THE WHOLE YEAR of these lectures. QN: I wonder if you could expand a little on the second two functions of aa in the university. You said the first was that of the professional school, and the second represented ultimate concern, in certain concrete symbols, and the third represented something under- lying the whole universe. Could you expand on the latter two? PT: The first, we don't need to discuss now because that is the professional side of it, which is

very similar to the medical and the law school. There, professional rules are prevailing and people who want to go into this profession have to know these rules and their application. QN: You said, like the medical and legal faculties, it represents ultimate concern. in [sic.] certain concrete symbols and . . . [?] PT: Let me see if I made an unclear formulation. . . . The first point was: the professional point remains, as in all the professional schools. Then what has a theological faculty to do in the university? There I said that there is an underlying element of ultimate concern in all human life, and therefore also in all studies of anything. That underlying element is expressed in many ways, and is, for instance---

I come to this later on today, or Thursday---in the ETHICS of the different professions and their unconditional claims. It is expressed in the way in which many of the representatives of these functions give consecration to what they are doing. It is expressed in some very concrete symbols which appear in art and literature, for the relationship of man to nature, for his scientific mind--- there is always a permeating ultimacy in the presuppositions of all these realms. Now this is the one side of it.




