
Tillich Lectures


[491] the dimension which is the ULTIMATE dimension. Of course this is not ALONE the function of the a; it must be done in ALL of them, according to their interpenetration. But in the theological faculty, this is JUST the intention, JUST the meaning of it, to show purified interpretations of the traditional symbols, those which come from the

past, and those which are in a process of developing for the future. In exercising THIS function, the theological faculty REPRESENTS something which underlies the WHOLE b, namely the dimension of man's ultimate concern, and the truth of the symbols in this, ultimate concern. Of course, in the theological faculty, the other dimensions of truth are present---the historical and psychological and sociological and certainly philosophical work has to be done CAREFULLY, with respect to religion. But this is not the only function. There is the third dimension of truth. And I believe that the HIGHEST, and most IMPORTANT, function of the theological faculty is neither the fact that religion is dealt with there, NOT the

fact that ministers are trained there, but the fact that there, is a place in which the university expresses its own foundation in an ultimate concern, in symbols, which certainly are not acknowledged, in our period, by all members of the university, neither by professors nor by students, but which POINT, by their very nature, TO something WITHOUT which the life of the university would finally lose a point of orientation. The symbols may change, but what the theological faculty is able to maintain is the necessity, for every human being and every group and every function, of symbols of ultimate concern.




