
Tillich Lectures


[481] Germany–the teaching elementstrongly [sic.]–but the research element predominantly. Now this gives you already a difference, a very typical difference, connected with the whole situation in these countries. Therefore the influence of the a[sic.] on the cultural life of Germany was only indirect, but very little direct, in terms of education. It was great on the English upper class, and it was fundamental on the French bureaucracy. Now let us look at these three functions in their historical setting, and their relationship to the problem of religion. First the b of the c. From earliest times, two different emphases were at the university, namely the humanities and the professions. In the Middle Ages they were the artes liberales, the liberal arts–today called "the humanities,"

in this country, through which everybody had to go, in which one learned physics, astronomy, logic, mathematics, and, in which it was necessary, rhetoric (which to a great extent means philology), which gave the humanistic pre-condition for the other faculties. Then the other faculties were: the first one, the "queen," as it was called in the Middle Ages: theology. Then the law faculty, and then the medical faculty. These three were the professional faculties. Here we have, from the very beginning, a lot of problems, even besides the religious problem (to which I come instantly), namely the question of the relationship of the professional to the humanities teaching. Has the university–this was the problem–a function which is connected with the practice even in the humanities, even besides the professional training? Here we had

a lot of difficulties with the humanities side of teaching. This side could be understood as mere




