
Tillich Lectures


[452] Then let us go to a. I will go to this further on more fully, but the individual b has become the LONELY personality, and finally, since loneliness cannot be stood, "the lonely crowd," who goes into the group, into the crowd, where he tries to overcome his loneliness but is not able to, and so he returns, or very often feels even more lonely in the crowd, and what is lacking, what former periods had--and what I indicated when I spoke of contemplation of nature--that is solitude. Without solitude, man is crippled. And the idea of personality has very much to do with the crippling of man on the basis of his being without solitude. The further problems connected with this relation, I will discuss in connection with c. I now come to one's self, namely the cutting off of one's self. Here I want to jump to

one of the sections which I have under No. 17, family and sex relationships. In the idea of personality, not only the relationship to nature, and the d to the objects of our work--and therefore to the work itself--but also the relationship to ourselves insofar as something is not brought into the e willing, deciding center, is cut off. The f of self-controlling is certainly a concept which is needed in many special situations; he who has not self-control can never become a centered g, and that belongs to the formation of man to become this. But if he pays for this, being a centered personality, the price of cutting himself off from the vital dimension of his being,

from that which today is predominantly called the unconscious, or the subconscious or the vital, then that phenomenon comes into existence which we call h. Repression can last for a certain time. It is often a matter of one or two generations. But it cannot last forever




