Lecture XXXIV (Nr. 0449)
and become a a. Then the second source for this movement towards b is the possibility of man to ask questions. What does this possibility mean? Why is asking questions the beginning of man’s personal development? You know how worried parents are when the children begin to ask questions. And the parents are justified about this, because in the moment in which this happens, the differentiation, the separation in the beginning, IS ALREADY A FACT. You cannot ask about that with which you are identical. You can ask only about something which you DO NOT have. Having (otherwise you could not ask either) and not having, together: that is the situation of
him who asks questions. So if someone asks questions about life as such, about the c of the daily life, about the behavior of the rulers of a tribe or a nation, then he is somehow separated, separated to such a degree that he now is a persona for himself and has the possibility of making decisions of his own. The separation by the guilt, every individual has to carry, and the separation which is implied in asking a question--these two are the two big roots for the development of the d person. After this separation has been performed, this person elevated itself above that from which it comes--society first of all, but since society is a way in which we deal with nature, nature also. The isolated person starts a process of self-elevation above that where he comes from. Now this self-elevation leads to an ideal, namely to the ideal of personality. This ideal of personality is an invention of the e, is taken over by f, and is supported by g. It is not only Renaissance, but it is also Protestantism, which has helped to develop the ideal of h.