Lecture XXXIII (Nr. 0425)
[420] So there are indications of a similar situation as we found it in the early twenties in a. But now, where to turn, if you are asked the question--and I am asked this question very often-- "Which answer can be given?" Let me go into two answers, the one which is actually given and the other which SHOULD be given. The answer which is actually given is given by the masters of b, by those who through movie, radio, television, newspapers and other forms of
public communication, influence [us] day and night--because the air is filled day and night with the waves produced by these masters. They influence, if not the conscious life, if some people keep away from it (certainly INdirectly, by c, by ideas, by plays, by best sellers and many other ways) the climate in which we all are living. So we can say the question "Whereto? To what shall we go?" is answered by the adjustment to a universal climate which is produced by the anonymous leaders of public communication. It is introduction into something, certainly, but it is introduction into a climate. Not something definite, but not something vague either. It is what, in my analysis of the situation, I called patternization, and adjustment to a pattern which of course
is not absolutely fixed, it changes a little every year, but which generally speaking is given. So we can say: the answer to the question of the younger generation, which is similar to the question in the early twenties in Europe--WHERE TO? INTO WHAT?--is given continuously, day and night, by those who create the universal climate in which we are living. But this leads to a state of mind in which those who are educated are not able any longer to say No! to save their d and their e of protest. And if this is taken away,