
Tillich Lectures


[406] [there] was the word of Peter, "Thou art the a," [there] was the appearance of the Christ Himself, and His impression on the Disciples and the Christian message. Therefore it is certainly impossible to give to the icons precedence to [i.e. over] the Christian message. But it is possible to give SOME forms of Greek Orthodox initiations and mystical anagogies a dependence on the experience they had with the icons. So such statements always must be reduced to their measure-- I hope you do that with mine, too! LECTURE Now I come to another section, namely "EDUCATION & RELIGION." We finished

last time our interpretation of the present world situation and discussed several issues, which I didn’t give in my presentation, in the discussion. We now come to the realm of b, in which a world situation continues itself by communicating its contents to the following generations. In doing so, it produces the basis for other cultural activities. Therefore it is adequate that after the consideration of art and the analysis of the world situation, which is expressed in c, we come to the question of how to communicate the contents of our world situation to the following generation, to which partly our present generation also belongs insofar as EVERY generation stands between past and future. What we have to do is to introduce the younger people first, and the older insofar as they are still younger--and I hope many of them are, still--into the situations, traditions, conventions, laws, morals, ideas, and symbols in which we are living. This is an infinite process in every generation, and every individual human being goes deeper into it during his whole life. Therefore education is

a continuous reality, not something which is finished when we have left school or have become independent of our parents, but something which is going on to the last day of our life, and is very powerful IN the last days of one’s life!




