
Tillich Lectures


[396] for ends which are means again, infinitely, which has broken up this situation and shown that below this situation, there is the a of nothingness, the anxiety of guilt, the anxiety of meaninglessness, the anxiety of death. All this came to the foreground. And in the moment in which this happens, the door is open for reinterpretation of b. And up to this door, only, I wanted to lead you in my analysis of the situation, because everything else belongs to the realm of either c or d life. But UP to this point, I had to bring you, because we want to return to it again and again when we speak about the special levels. Now this ends, in some way, the analysis of the situation. It may be that, exceptionally today, you may have some direct questions, because we all are in this situation, and it is not a matter of e or f that some are nearer to it, some are not, but it is a universal situation

in which EVERYbody finds himself. QN: What can we do today to stop these general trends? PT: The question was: is there something we can DO about these trends? Now I don't know whether I told you about a very interesting experience I had 20 years ago when I came to this country, and after every lecture, WHATEVER the content was, however far removed from reality, the question arose: "What can we do about it?" I haven't heard that maintained for almost five years. I am very much interested that you ask this question again! Now this question is of course very much justified in a lecture in which we speak about religion and culture




