
Tillich Lectures


[394] prescribed by the modern mind and the situation they wanted to deny. So we are here in the necessity to make one fundamental statement--l don't want to speak about "Religion in the Present Situation of the World" AT ALL!--namely that a comes from one dimension and goes into another, from above to below, from below to above, and that IN THIS dimension, it has a Yes and No to the WHOLE of reality, but IS NOT a PART of it!

My whole theological work was directed by early realization of this situation. And the situation still prevails--and perhaps in this country a little bit more than in Europe, but in any case, in the whole Christian world. And so the attempt to liberate b from the bondage of a level of thought and experience to which it does not belong, or only indirectly belongs, is the continuous task of every c. How can we fulfill this task? It can be fulfilled only with the tools which are given to us--

nobody can PRODUCE them. And there are tools given to us in the present-day situation, the tools produced by the resistance against the present-day situation. Let me now talk about the movements of resistance. They are outside of the d, and partly also inside; outside of e, and partly inside; but predominantly they come from a f world which, so to speak, has broken through the basis on which it was built. In our g, in the last ten years, we call this breaking-through-the-carrying-and-supporting foundations, "h." But since this word is a clumsy one, and everybody is afraid before he even tries to understand what it COULD mean, we might also describe it in other words.




