
Tillich Lectures


[The following is the listing of slides in the "Religion and Art" section.--Ed.] [344] APPENDIX

FIRST GROUP (Naturalistic style, secular subject matter) Rubens: Landscape with Women Rubens: Stormy Landscape Ruysdael, J.: Edge of a Wood Monet, Claude: Zaandam Monet, Claude: La Gare. St. Lazare Monet, Claude: Unloading the Cargo Carpaccio: Francesco Quirini, patriarch of Grado, exorcises a Demon Ostade, A.J. van: Tavern Brawl Steen, Jan: Loose Living Rembrandt: The Night Watch Rembrandt: Dr. Tulp's Anatomy Lesson Watteau: Les Comédiens français Watteau: Love in Italian Comedy Roman painting, Hellenistic, Fayoum mummy, 3rd century A.D. Roman painting, Pompeian--Paquius Proculus and his wife Roman painting, 3rd century, Portrait group on glass Greek painting, Hellenistic, "Aline" from Hawara Bronzino, A.: Portrait of Eleonora (da Toledo) de Medici Titian: Francesco Maria della Bovere Duke of Urbino Hals, Frans: Lady Governors. Hospital for the Aged, Haarlem.--Detail Hals, Frans: La Bohémienne Sargent, J.S.: Portrait of Henry James SECOND GROUP (Non-naturalistic style, secular subject matter) El Greco: View of Toledo Goya: City on a Rock Cézanne: Still Life Braque: The Mantel-piece Braque: Still Life Braque: Nature-morte Braque: Man with a Guitar Kandinsky: Composition No. 8 Leger, F.: Breakfast Picasso: Guernica Rouault: Circus Trio Chirico: Melancholy and Mstery [sic.] of a Street

SECOND GROUP (Cont.) Tanguy: Heredity of Acquired Characteristics Chirico: The Consoler Moore, Henry: Family Group Moore, Henry: Reclining Figure THIRD GROUP (Naturalistic style, religious subject matter) Giotto: St. Francis and the Birds Piero della Francesca: Resurrection Masaccio: Tribute Money Bellini: Madonna and Child Raphael: Madonna Colonna Reni: The Magdalen Uhde, Fritz von: The Christ with the Peasants Manet, Edouard: Ecce Homo (The mocking of Christ) FOURTH GROUP (Non-naturalistic style, religious subject matter) Greek Sculpture: Apollo Archaic female figure from near Erechtheurre Greek Sculpture (Archaic): Hera of Samos Mosaic, Constantinople, 10th Century Byzantine School, 15th Century, Resurrection Painting, Italian, 12th Century, Crucifix French, 15th Century, School of Avignon Brueghel, Pieter, the elder, Adoration of the Kings Brueghel, Pieter, the elder, Triumph of Death Bosch, Jerome: Altarpiece of Temptation El Greco: Coronation of the Virgin Rembrandt: Christ Crucified between Thieves Rembrandt: Descent from the Cross Nolde, Emil: The Last Supper Grünewald: Isenheim Altarpiece Grünewald: Isenheim Altarpiece (right panel) Rouault: Crucifixion Rouault: Head of Christ with Thorns Picasso: Crucifixion Sutherland: Crucifixion


