Lecture XXVI (Nr. 0334)
[329] and the other is a religious subject matter and a non-religious subject matter. This leads us to the four different levels, and I will show pictures Thursday which are ordered according to these four levels: 1) First a a bwith a non-religious subject matter---there I start. But nevertheless, since religion is ULTIMATE concern, and the religious OBJECT is the GROUND of everything that is, even in this way INDIRECTLY, religion shines through, although completely indirectly and hidden. 2) The second group is the c d: the expressionistic or e
style in which nature is transformed, but in which there is no religious subject matter: it is still faces, trees, landscapes, animals, buildings, etc., which are represented. 3) The third level: religious subject matter---Christs and Virgins and stories of the holy legend and myths; and on the other hand a naturalistic f. This is the Renaissance; this is the late period in the ancient world; this is the 19th century naturalism. 4) Finally I will show you examples of a fourth level, in which we have non-naturalistic g and at the same time religious subject matter. These are the pictures which ideally should be used for cultic, for ritual, activities. ONLY on this fourth level are ritual activities possible.
Now this is the menu to which I invite you for next Thursday. And I repeat the honce more, and I will go in this sequence: 1) Naturalistic style and non-religious (or, if you want, secular) content. 2) Religious (or expressionistic) style and non-religious (secular) content. 3) Non-religious (secular, naturalistic) style and the religious content, subject matter. 4) The expressionistic or non-naturalistic style together with the religious content.