Lecture XXVI (Nr. 0329)
[324] 3) A third element stands against formalism, namely meaning, which is sometimes called content, but the word content is ambiguous because it often stands for subject matter, so instead I use the word meaning. The meaning is neither the subject matter nor is it the form, but it is something which cannot be expressed in any other way THAN by the a: it is that
which is opened up by them and that which is present in our soul IF it is opened up. But this meaning can be read in some way in the form, and if we do this we come to what is usually called b c is a very interesting phenomenon. Of course style expresses itself in both, in the choice of subject matter and in the form. It is an overall form, if you want, but it is also an overall term towards [i.e. for?] special subject matter. What is style in this sense? Style is the experience of life as such, expressed as an overall form, or way of expression, in all realms of life. It is first and mostly applied to the realm of arts, but there is not only artistic style, there is also style of thought. d is not only a method, it is also a style of thought. And it is present in politics--- 19th century balance-of-power politics in Europe was a style of politics expressing an ultimate meaning in life. There are styles of social relations, in the relation of the sexes to each other, for instance, and every period has a different style, in this relationship. Now I speak here about a special realm, the artistic realm, which is dependent on the overall style but which has a most
impressive function within the overall style, because of what I called last time the e of a work of art. It is more expressive than any other style.