Lecture XXV (Nr. 0322)
[318] combined character. I only want to remind, so that you don't need to ask what has that to do with religion, that every liturgy in which the priest moves---and others with him, sometimes---is a cultic dance, is the movement of the body, in which the movement itself expresses something which transcends the simple bodily character of a vital movement. And in coming to the relationship of religion and art later on, we will see that the insight into these relations is a presupposition for a revitalization of liturgical elements on the basis of Protestantism. Finally I come to a Architecture has a very special role, a role which is
in some way more important than that of all other arts and in some way less. It is more important because it is completely determined by purpose. Everybuilding [sic.] serves a purpose; therefore an artificial ruin is a horror and not a work of art. And I would say everything in a building which does NOT serve a purpose is a sin against the spirit of a building! Now purpose doesn't mean only heating and water and light and protection against climate, it also means living in it, and all that which makes a house livable also belongs to the purpose. But in doing this, in understanding purpose in such a large way, we also must say that in these creations of man which are determined by purpose, there is also implied the expressive power which we call b One of the great
symbols of our time is Rockefeller Center. All those of you who have seen it SHOULD say that it is an analogy to the Pyramids or other so-called miracles of the world, and understand that here purpose and symbol are in a unique way united, and for this reason---to this I will come next time--- I am convinced that church architecture will be the guiding power in the relation of religion and art.