
Tillich Lectures


[290] return to the meaning of symbols. Finally I want to DISCUSS with you the problem of religion in the whole of the university, the question which is so much alive at Harvard today, and radiating from Harvard into the whole country---[some laughter] (that sounds very proud!)---the function of the theological faculty within the whole of the university life. (But I can [provide] evidence for my pride, from traveling very much.) From the educational we come to the arealm. Here we have two main considerations, a general one which I would call formal ethics: where does the moral ought-to-be come from? Where do

the always-changing contents of the ethical demands come from? What does its unconditional, and what does its conditional, character mean? This leads to the very pressing question, which is a very real one for the lives of all of you, namely the question of ethical relativism and how we are able to take a position to this. Then the next would be the ethics of being and the ethics of ought-to-be: love and law in relationship to man's ethical situation. Finally a subject matter in which ethics and psychology work together, [and] the question of

religion comes in, namely the bearer of ethics, the idea and the ideal of personality---what personality means and what the religious relationship is to it. After having dealt with personal ethics and formal ethics, we come to social ethics, the many problems of community, of collectivism, of conformism, of revolution against conformism, and especially the relation of the Protestant principle to an increasingly conformist culture. Then the question




