
Tillich Lectures


[266] worth[y] of asking a question. And THEREFORE the Greeks gave this name to man. But why IS it astonishing that man is mortal? Because man knows about IMMORTALITY--- or THE IMMORTAL ("immortality" is a bad word). And the Greeks knew about it: they called the gods "the immortals," i.e., their own potential immortality they put symbolically into the figures of their gods; they were aware---and this is the interesting meaning of these two names, "the mortals" and "the Immortals"---of their potential immortality from which they were excluded and which they put into the figures of their gods. They MUST have known SOMEthing about immortality---this word must have a MEANING, otherwise they could not have called the gods "immortal." And man is that being which is aware of his mortality, his a because he participates POTENTIALLY in the infinite from which at the same time he is excluded. Next time I will speak about existentialism, psychoanalysis, and the healing problems, as the last and perhaps the most important step of man's "return" to himself.




