Lecture XVIII (Nr. 0228)
[224] competitor of Christianity. But here we are in the inner realm of the discussion about the criterion of a--and all this has nothing to do either with science or with history (historical research), or with philosophy, but it has to do with our immediate expression of ultimate concern. Now I want to say that probably next time l will still ask a few questions about this whole realm which is so near to your heart: the relationship of religious faith and faith of all other disciplines of the university, or most other---and on the other hand l will then go to the realm of the arts, the visual arts and other arts, with which we must close this semester's work. Now l am terribly sorry it is cold here---we tried to do something about it last time, but obviously, as l see you put on your things, l don't see if we succeeded. If not, the real question will arise whether we will not have to leave for another room. What do you think about it?