
Tillich Lectures


[210] not only in his epistemology---his positivism---it shows itself in his ethics, his doctrine of tolerance, and in many other places. So you can go through the whole history of philosophy. And it is one of the most fascinating enterprises l ever did in my life, as academic teacher, to DO this, actually, and to go through the history of philosophy in lectures lasting for two years, four hours a week, from the earliest times on, in order to give what l could call (in a general term) a a--and in this case, a theology of the history of philosophy. And a theology of the history of philosophy means a theological analysis of the classical philosophical creations, showing how, within the realm of validity about which they are thinking and fighting, ANOTHER level is manifest, namely the level of ultimate concern. Now I cannot do this in these classes, but l think the situation is so important that although you had a discussion last Saturday with Mr. b,* I would like to stop at least for a moment and ask you to ASK a question, and a question just about this point, about the immanence of an ultimate concern within the philosophers and within the different philosophical attitudes towards reality. IS there such a question? Then please don't hesitate to ask me. Don't be afraid--- the fact that this is a large room has no ontological significance! [laughter] QN c):** Is it possible to distinguish the immanence of the ultimate concern from the purely philosophical problems, or what you call "the arena of philosophical discussion"? I don't think it is possible to distinguish them clearly--- PT [breaking in]: Now "clearly"---I tried to do that last time with respect to attitudes like nominalism and realism, or like idealism and naturalism. Now if you add the word "CLEARLY," then l am not ------------------ *Prof. Leibrecht was Prof. Tillich's assistant at the Divinity School. He is now president of Schiller College. **Prof. Thomas now teaches theology at Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, MA.


bLeibrecht, Walter
cOwen Thomas



