
Tillich Lectures


[207] forgetting that there is an essential nature of man which is distorted, in our existential structure. What kind of statement was this? (It was in a philosophical seminar.) It was a RELIGIOUS EXCLAMATION, but not a philosophical argument. And that is the distinction l want you to make: where are we in the realm of ultimate concern, in these discussions? [and] where are we in the realm of philosophical arguments? You will find many philosophers who may make such statements. You may find, also, some who would say: the world is as it is, as a has described it, a matter of more evil than good. And l know how many young people today feel like this; it is understandable, in the countries of the present world situation. But it is a matter of ultimate concern and not a matter of philosophical analysis and argument. So we must now finish this second alternative, where l wanted again to show you THAT THERE IS AN ARENA of philosophical fights, where from the point of religion, we are spectators---epistemology, anthropology. There lS a DIMENSION in which we are NOT spectators, because the fighting philosophers have come into our realm themselves and say there is no such thing as man's b. They say it either as c "The world is as it is, and there is no essential goodness in it"---or they say it as d "The world is good, and all distortions are only preliminary and will be overcome by US--- namely the men of good will"---which is the arrogance of the ie Now there is another alternative, to which l cannot go in this moment, but l ask you,




