Lecture XVI (Nr. 0190)
[186] REAL human beings like to pay more for something, even if they could pay less, in many cases, because they believe it is better---or simply to show something [some laughter]---innumerable motives which are not defined in this way. Now these motives are all consequences of human nature, and they must be understood in terms of the different forces in human nature. The a will, as it is called, is different in every group, in every social class, in every religious situation. The economic will in original India is something quite different from that in presentday America, and it makes no sense to bring them under one and the same denominator. This means the economist presupposes a b and a doctrine of the nature of man, however much biology and psychology and sociology are involved in it, has fundamental philosophical presuppositions, as I don’t even need to show, in this moment. But even the act of finding c has philosophical presuppositions, namely the decision, "Which facts, out of the infinite amount of happenings in every infinitely small moment of time, should be called historically relevant facts?" Now if you ask this simple question and imagine for a moment that we are together here for 50 minutes, that in these 50 minutes, in the bodies and minds of each of us, more things happen than all the books of the world could write down, if you describe what actually happens in the subatomic moments of time and in the half-unconscious elements of the soul---but you don’t even mention this class in your history books, except [if] something very dramatic happens in it. But to say that something is very "DRAMATIC", you have a principle of selection. And these principles of selection are dependent on your understanding of human nature and