Lecture XV (Nr. 0173)
[169] Thea and b---that is our next subject. I am sorry we must wait for a whole week before we can go on, after I give the initial statements today, but this also is historical destiny! [smiling, referring to the Thanksgiving recess---slight laughter]. Now we have seen that neither sc nor d can affirm or negate the e. If it could, it wouldn't be truth of faith, but would be probability of scientific research. And the truth of faith can neither affirm nor negate f or historical truth. No statement of faith can guarantee any scientific statement or can guarantee any historical statement---about that, I just spoke. Now perhaps here I should make one more remark. If someone says, "Now is it not a historical statement if you say something has happened which changed me?", then you can also say, "Is it not a historical statement to say that I do exist?" That is not a historical statement, but that is a statement of immediacy. My being IN g, my being influenced BY HISTORY, my being myself, is not a problem of h but a problem of immediate self-awareness, and the implications of immediate self-awareness, even if they fall into the bodily reality (("I have a i") and the historical reality ("I live in the Christian tradition"), even then they are not a matter of biological research or historical research. No biological research can take away my awareness of my body from myself. No historical research can take away my awareness of being THlS being, THIS kind of self which has in itself all the historical reality of his j, etc. So here we have the point of certainty, namely the point of our own being.