Lecture XIIa (Nr. 0127)
[124] about this, but we may find one. Now suppose there is a theory which shows preceding states in which perhaps this concentration from which our present world started can be explained in terms as processes in which the concentration took place. Then the year five billion is as worthless as the year of the Jewish Orthodox calendar of five thousand years. Now that is what I wanted to show: this has nothing to do with the doctrine of a, with the dimension of our ultimate concern which relates time to b and has the c in the sense of a CONCRETE RISK of faith, that every temporal moment, however far we go in past and future, has a direct relationship to the eternal. And no astronomical theory about the past or the future--and the entropy theory is also a theory about the future; it is the death of cold, perhaps, before the universe will die, and not, as the old Stoics believed, a burning of the world. However this may be, the relationship of any moment of time to the eternal is not changed by the more or less complete verification of any astronomical theory. So--and with this I conclude, up to now (I will continue a little more in this problem next Thursday) with the warning to theologians: do not rejoice and do not be sorry about ANYthing which has scientific probability. And to the scientists and to the believers in science amongst us--to whom I ALSO belong--don’t transcend the realm of scientific research in the order of finite relations in order to produce a metaphysical or a religious matrix within which your research is going on.