
Tillich Lectures


[87] the immediate environment of man. Here the conflict still goes on between artistic and, perhaps, religious expression, and subjected to technical purpose. Both elements are in clothing and in housing. Let me especially deal with the house. In the last generations there was much discussion about the house as a dwelling machine. Now that is a very character- istic form--in German, Wohnmachine. This means that the technical point of view was absolutely predominant. Now a house IS a tool, IS a means for ends. But the misleading term "dwelling-machine" was based on the fact that one didn't think about what "dwelling" means. In the moment in which we do this, then we immediately see that dwelling means much more than protecting against light and wind and rain and cold and warmth and production of fire and heat in the house, etc. DWELLING MEANS SOMETHING ELSE! a is both [a] technical procedure and a symbolic reality. It reaches into the ultimate symbols, and for this reason the sacred house is an ultimate possibility. But let us go slowly in this. The symbolic character of dwelling can express itself in many different ways. When I was much younger, the symbol of "dwelling" was for me the cave, hiding, protecting, going into something which SEPARATES me from the infinite world b, which I couldn't stand. With the development of modern art, modern building, I learned the openness towards the world space, the coming-in of light, the very slight separation of my personal space and the space of the universe. And I understood the symbolic making of this from another side. The one was protecting and finding one's own place, in the infinite universe. The other is, to go out TOWARD the infinite universe. Both are symbolic realities; in both of them, the style expresses itself. Now take another symbolic alternative, that between privacy and group. In Europe, the demand of c is predominant, even within the family. Every d wants to be private, even in relation to the other members of the family. This is also my own basic feeling. When I came to this country, I noticed that in a family house there is almost no privacy, and very little privacy even towards outside. Now this means the group existence--probably coming from the pioneer period--is in THIS respect much more emphasized than in individualistic old Europe.




