
Tillich Lectures


[84] the a and many words which are reported to be said by b--whether this is empirically so or not, does not matter: they are seen as His words, by the early Christians, namely words which show that that which the early church expected is a progress in two directions: more insight, more power of the divine Spirit; and more power of the demonic Spirit [spirit?] equally. Both are growing: the divine AND the c! And there is no progress to a point in which the divine conquers the demonic, the end is not in the line of progress, but is the end ALSO OF progress, of everything. Now this is the Christian worldview, and one shouldn’t use that as a justification of the idea of d. So let me sum up this whole discussion: There is a genuine realm in which the idea of progress is absolutely justified, namely progress in the technical realm. And there is, secondly, a progressive experience in every human action, but there is no law of continuous progress through human history --perhaps an analogy to the progress in the biological nature--because man is not biological nature, and he doesn't develop biologically into the state of super-man. But he starts a NEW development, and this new development is determined by e, and freedom is the absolute limit of the idea of progress, except in the technical realm, where there is no freedom but complete rationality. Now I stop this and give it to you for thinking about it. We may come to it again and again. But this gives another view of the world, and there are many implications in it which I don't want to develop now, which HAVE to be developed when we deal directly with education, politics, etc. ==There are two forms of tools: the dependent tool used by the craftsman, and the independent tool which we call "machine." The first is vital and participates in the movements of the body. Everybody who knows Medieval furniture or Medieval cathedrals or houses knows that. Everything is done not by the machine but by the human hand with a tool. Of course a tool--but [?] innovations of the human body are transferred to the object by the tool. And this makes the pre-machine creativity, in the technical realm, so related to art, so immediately expressive and powerful. The vitality is still in the tool. In the machine, man can only direct, preserve, mend, and do things in which his vitality is not participating any more.




