
Tillich Lectures


[75] In BOTH cases we have the means-ends relationship, but in the first case, tools are not always needed, though often used. In the 2nd case, a is the production of tools. Now for the first case, think of the technical elements which are used in administration, in teaching, in banking, even in preaching, in healing, etc. But we don't call this the world of technology. Nevertheless, nothing of this can happen without special means used for ends, and that means technical elements. So we have now the technical in both all nature, at least all higher nature (probably also lower nature), and we have it in all human functions and activities in which something is done, with a purpose. Let me call this universally human element of technique "supporting technique." They support existing life processes, for instance the teaching relationship, the healing relationship, the preaching relationship, the counselling relationship. They develop their potentialities and protect them against disturbances. Therefore every teacher has not only to learn the material he uses in order to teach his pupils, but also a large amount of technical adequacy. And the preacher has not only the Gospel--or better: good theology based on the Gospel-- but he has ALSO to learn how to preach--and where the word "how" appears, there we are in the technical realm. Then, in all of them, means are applied for ends. But now we come to the other realm, namely if tools are produced. In these "supporting" forms of technology, tools are not ALWAYS used. Sometimes they are. For instance, if a doctor tells you to take a walk every day, this is not the creation of a tool. If he gives you a drug, he uses a tool. Both is b. Each is a technique for dealing with the body from the point of view of healing. In all the technical realms, the knowledge of technique is the know-how--this famouse [sic.] word, which is supposed to be the charac- teristic of the American nation! "How": this word means "adequate ways for action." Not contemplating, not desiring, not hoping, but using the given realities as a means for a purpose in action. This is true of both forms. Now I come to the other. If TOOLS are used, we come to the transforming technology. The first was "supporting," where not always are tools used. The second is "transforming," where a given reality is transformed into a tool. Now this is the most




