Lecture IV (Nr. 0035)
[32] (I will speak briefly later about the extreme of this development in what we call la; but this demands a special consideration.) This deteriorization also has a social side. Creative language, which always comes up again, by poetry, and out of the underground of the slang-creation, is used for advertising. The still-existing great words are used for often the lowest forms of advertisement. You can read in advertisements words like joy, courage, bliss, life, happiness, love, hope, beauty, truth, etc. In each of these words, there was an original encounter between reality and the human mind. In their formation there was ultimate concern, and it still sounds to us through them, and the poets and writers often save this sound for us. But, in spite of this, they are used for very preliminary non-ultimate concerns, namely profit or pleasure. I myself am so insistent on this point because I have experienced another, socially conditioned, deteriorization of language, the deteriorization of the German language under dictatorship. This is the case because the dictators of our period of history are the greatest advertisers. They can stay alive only on the basis of a continuous, 24-hour [daily] advertisement of their own... And this is in complete correlation to what happens under dictatorships, namely dehumanization. This word (formed by Hegel and Marx) fits the dictatorships (even that dictatorship which uses the name of Marx for itself) more than any other word, any other period. People become objects, things, pieces of utilities, to be used. Psychologically, under the impact of this advertisement and the power behind it, they lose their creative personal center. They are dissolved into pieces. The extreme of this is the dehumanization intentionally going on in institutions like concentration camps. But the WHOLE nation is under this pressure. And if man is not able to speak any more in terms of his free subjectivity, if he becomes a piece of the world of objects and only objects, then he also loses his b. He accepts the language of the dictators, which is a completely corrupted language. And the danger of course is that even in c, something like this goes on not in terms of external power, but of psychological pressure, from the school period on, to the end of your lives, in which you hear the last radio-memory which is given to you by others. And even worse than all this, the slogans of public